hide. #2. The AC15 is a great amp but it is a different sound. Remember Part Number: AC15PCC. 8,279. Even though the AC15C1 is not technically a two channel amp. United States. $436. Serial number 11954 - date code is "AV" = January 1964. Jun 28, 2011. Powered by two EL84 power tubes and three 12AX7/ECC83s, it dishes out 15 watts of pure tube power at 16 ohms from its single 12. That's eight EL84's! Easier way to get more volume is definitely via the speaker. Finally left my Fender world and went with a Vox AC15C1. The Woden part numbers were, in order: mains transformer 72318; output transformer no. TELEparty. The Vox AC30 is a guitar amplifier. Jan 23, 2012. 4. I need a little help dating a vox ac30 I was just given. And the reverb and tremolo on the AC15 are just superb. 1. Posts: 54 Joined: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:33 pm Just the numbers in order: 7. 7 CG=Jul 1. Apr 10, 2010. The volume will also give out mid playing. 99. Tried the standard and this and actually preferred the G12 v-type speaker in the red over the G12 greenback in the standard. 53 MB. JMI was privately owned by founder Tom. Fuse to be an issue as I found it was blown. What's new. Skip Navigation Website Accessibility. Used VOX AC15C1 15W Tube Guitar Combo Amp. 1 of 3 Go to page. Difference between Vox AC15C1 & CC1 Stick for me. The Many Colors of the AC30C2 Limited Edition Amps. Red and Cream. Also I'm having doubts I can afford the British VOX. share. Set the amp so it sounds good dirty there. Powered by el84s, this AC15 is a twin channel design that is separated by the input. Jan 9, 2014 #1 SixShooter Friend of Leo's. D. 66311. Serial number 9818B. 1 x Top Boost Input Jack. Joined Sep 20, 2008 Posts 2,462 Location Cincinnati. Vox AC15C1-CB Limited Edition Cream Bronco 15w Guitar Combo Amp - Preowned. Start date May 2, 2018; 1; 2; Next. , Saturday 10 a. Hello everyone! After doing plenty of research and mods with my amplifier, guitar, and pedalboard I figure I would just make a post of my personal experiences with certain mods and settings. Amplifiers. It included spring reverb, tremolo, and the traditional "Top Boost" tone control circuit. Messages 362. Vox AC15C1X Custom 2-Channel 15-Watt 1x12" Blue Alnico Guitar Combo. The great prices of the modern AC15 and AC30 custom models (C1) is bringing VOX back into the limelight of affordable practice amps. Best, --Rob. 1,462. meantime the amp seems are working again, but still the problem with redplating. Jan 13, 2017 #1 I have Squier SE special strat and I was wondering if I should buy a tube amp like VOX AC15C1 or a normal 15 watt solid state amp. You can unsubscribe any time. Dec 17, 2012. Start date Jan 11, 2016; ZepFuzz05 Member. term Search Tips - Main Page. Thread starter Sam_ Start date Apr 9, 2017; Tags ac15 ac30 clean tone headroom vox S. Vox AC15C1. The AC15C1 was powered by. Used in Vox AC15C1* chassis: AC15C1* Vox* No: Unknown Core: Bobbin. Facebook Opens in new window. 12 x. Boasting both a Normal and Top Boost channel, the AC15 Custom is an all-tube, EL84 driven workhorse that delivers 15 watts of authentic British tone into your choice of a genuine Celestion Greenback or Alnico Blue speaker. 47 lbs. It's a serial device, thus it must be. Vox Amp S Serial Number On The. Can anybody help me date my VOX AC30 amplifier please? I bought it in about 1996. Thomas Vox Schematic Free Download Page. Vox AC15C1 red plate problem. Vox AC30S1. Compare. Welcome to the Vox AC30 website. New posts. aeo268 said: I got a Vox ac-15 cc2, dual speaker model and use a wampler pinnacle with it. I think I got the Amperex EL84's (2) one Amperex 12AX7 marked for Zenith (same exact tube as the bugleboy but MUCH cheaper) one RCA 12AT7 and one GE12AT7 for like $120. 7% Total voters 66; 1; 2;. I LOOOOVE the Vox AC15 and especially the AC30 tone, both the normal and the top boost channels. Information About Dating Vox Pathfinder Amps;. REAR PANEL LAYOUT. Back then I wasn't too into playing guitar so my gear. Next Last. Several years ago I owned a Vox AC15C1 and then later sold it after going thru a handwired phase where I turned my nose at PCB amps. All I hear are people saying that "oohhhh the Vox only gets British tones" But somehow I can play Eddie Cochran and Stray Cats while. Date of the price:4,458. Last week a brand new one came to me factory sealed with non-working reverb. Posted by 2 days ago. The classic AC30 sound requies an AC30 (not an AC15) because you don't close mic it in front of the speaker like you would a lot of amps. 50 *. Its internal speaker is 16ohm. 15-watt 2-channel All-tube 2x12" Guitar Combo Amplifier with Tremolo and Reverb. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. * Black control panel with screened gold legend. Please help me date my Vox Apm by serial number. 7 out of 5 stars 151 ratings. 0% Shiba Drive Votes: 0 0. Outputs: External loudspeaker jack, Extension loudspeaker jack. Join Date: Feb 2010; Posts: 16890; Location: Canada, somewhere north of Fargo; Share Tweet #3. 1960-1961. Powered by el84s, this. Vox. Way better-sounding than whatever the hell is in this Vox. The AC30HW is by far the best AC variant. Jan 28, 2013 #1 gpasq Friend of Leo's. 1 of 3 Go to page. The Vox AC15C1 is cathode biased so its going to have more hiss then other amps and the EL84 tubes tend to be biased hot but its done to get a specific driven tone. As it happens, the Valvetronix series are modeling amps which are cheaper. dragon » Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:32 pm Hi guys, since Vox staff thinks they're still in the 70's and therefore refuse to send the. Each channel has one input. AC15CC1X. Burst Serial Numbers. Next Last. 5 (530000000075). I have the Inkimodo. Messages 1,727. Originally designed for the critically acclaimed Valvetronix modelling amplifiers, the Valve Reactor circuit places a 12AX7 vacuum tube (or valve ) into the power stage. A sure indication of creation by Burndept is definitely the presence of a stamped serial number on the aluminium lightweight upright of the preamp framework (normally on the right hand side a little method below the voltage selector). Night Train 15 - A Look "Under the Hood". Edition Amps - Updated. The reason is that i have a digital Fender Mustang 3 and i have tried tubes and they deliver a much better sound. This is based on the brightness of the vox cutting through a denser mix that might have more keys, vox, etc. Top Boost is great, but don't ignore the normal channel, it can hold it's own and is very easy to use. (I know a hi-fi repairman who, after. The reason an AC30 is much louder than an AC15 is mostly the combined speaker efficiency rather than the difference in power. Number of Speakers. Silver. 2 ShareVox continues to produce a wide variety of amplifiers including tube. Pull the reverb tank out if you don’t use it. This VOX Button will link you with our VOX Effects main page. Customized my Katana. If you're familiar with the variability of Marshalls, then multiply that by 10 and you'll be much closer to the variability of early vox wahs. Vox has updated this classic combo amp to give you the most tonally flexible AC15 to date! Order yours from Sam Ash Direct today for the guaranteed lowest price. . 07-30-2016, 09:02 PM. $679. We have taken the best AC30 designs and added a number of useful and interesting features to give you the most tonally flexible. Combo. Messages 2,279. These characteristics can be applied to most amplifier models. I would go with the Vox without a second thought. Those are the only upgrades I'm doing to an otherwise excellent amp!. Even at 40 watts, I can dial in some nice bedroom tones, especially with a stomp box. Takamine Guitar Serial # lookup: 80% complete. Even so, certain characteristics can help narrow the date of manufacture to within a. I rock a wet-dry/stereo setup with the Vox AC15 and the Marshall Haze 40. Hello fellow guitar players! I'm thinking about getting a Vox AC15C1 tube combo amplifier. You get two channels, voiced normal and top boost. Capable of both enchanting clean and raucous. Completely handmade in Kentucky, USA, the G12C is part of Warehouse’s American Vintage series which lends a unique, American flavor to the iconic British chime of the AC15. . The thing I never liked about the AC15C1 was the reverb, it never did it for me and in my opinion that's a big part of the blues sound (fendery reverb sounds best imo). AC15CC1 Features. $634. The external 75W speaker is 8ohm. $397. All user reviews for the Vox AC15CC1. The Vox ac15c1 breaks up way too early and the clean channel sounds nasty. TV Front twin. In spite of at least one AC30 production run titled "Limited Edition" of 100 units with starting serial number 0100 (1991) (no reverb), production of the AC30 has practically never ceased: Newer AC30s are reissues of the various top boost AC30/6 (AC30TB) models. 99. If you want a VOX AC 15C1 because you like that Vox tone but it's a smidgen too much volume wise for home use , I strongly suggest a VoX AC4c1-12. In my experience, 95% of issues with Vox amps have something to do with the rectifier tube. It was so much easier to get a good tone from…clean and dirty. Coldacre said: Gold Lions all the way!!! they sound massive in my AC15C1. Sounds great, loud, and has some very unique chime of course. Going to buy my first Vox today. VOX AC15C1 Schematics. The Vox AC30 is a 30W amp with four EL84 power-amp valves and two 12″ speakers, whereas the Vox AC15 is a 15W amp with two EL84 power-amp valves and a single 12″ speaker. Serial numbers c. AC30CC1 musical instrument amplifier pdf manual download. 1996 Vox AC15TB/TBX vs a 1961 JMI AC-15 Amplifier. 95. Thread starter fathergll; Start date Feb 7, 2013; 1; 2; 3; Next. Freedom. I'm building a vox ish amp now in the DIY world. The AC30 also an FX loop and an additional reverb control. The Vox AC loves fuzz pedals. com site, that the '2' in the middle of the part number indicates a medium decay, while the stock reverb. Joined Apr 25, 2016 Posts 204 Location UK. Vox AC15CC1 Custom Classic 15-Watt 1x12" Guitar Combo 2006 - 2010 - Black. I'm looking to do a total tube replacement for my Vox AC15C1 amp. VOX AC15C1 Schematics. And I still would say it's well worth. I’m glad that this number 2 tank (medium decay) made so little difference. The secret is the 65 Watt Celestion Creamback speaker that lies inside of the cream colored Custom AC15 cabinet intend of the usual 25 Watt Celestion Greenback that is in the normal AC15C1. AC30 Custom. The AC15C1 doesn’t have either of these. NAD. do they need upgrading and why?. Jun 9, 2018. Here is the schematic in 4 parts with some notes. Jul 30, 2013. 4 Watts RMS 1 x 12" Celestion VX12 Custom AC 4 Custom ; 10W RMS 1 × 10-inch Celestion VX10 AC10 Custom ; 15 Watts RMS 1 x 12" Celestion G12M Greenback (AC15C1) AC15 Custom ; 15 Watts RMS AC15. from 1979. Messages 21. Location. The AC15C1 is a cheaper version than the AC15CC1. I mostly liked your clip. The VOX Cambridge50 is a modern modeling guitar amplifier powered by Nutube and Celestion for powerful and responsive tones. I did do the. Custom series (46 pages).